Talk Da Talk Podcast

after math of lekki massacre

After math of Lekki Toll-gate Massacre


The guest speaker speaking on the affter math of lekki massacre with is Comrade Kikiowo Ayoade. He featured on previous podcast to talk about ASUU Strike 2020. Moreover, he applauds the unity among the youths for coordinating a peaceful and well organized protest. Kikiowo however condemns the act of the Governer of Lagos state for ordering the killings of the peaceful protesters using the Millitary. Kikiowo Ayoade not only talks on the absence of the Police at major check points since the protest….. Listen now

Episode 2

The lekki toll gate massacre on the 20th of october 2020 in Nigeria is the reason we continue “Soro Soke” . It is beleieved that the youth are tried to be silenced after the lekki massacre that occured in lekki toll gate, Lagos. Kikiowo speaks about the youth passionately following up on the panel setup by the government. He speaks on the Youth democratic Party of Nigeria (YDP) and what he believes about the success of the party in upcoming elections. Do you believe in the progress of a new poilitical party formed by the Youth?

Episode 3

The five point agenda and the progress with the federal government was the main point of discussion. Kikiowo made us know the government actually did set up a panel for people who were victims of police brutality. He complains about people relying on socail media to bring their stories rather than the panel. Kikiowo when asked about the videoclips of the new END SWAT team members training called it funny. Listen to full podcast now

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