Talk Da Talk Podcast

Should women settle for men?

Episode 1

Should women settle for men? I asked Ola and Mary on the podcast if they believed that women should accept the kind of men they come across while dating and getting married. Mary begins by stating that she does not believe that women should make concessions because we are the price. Ola, however, is of the opinion that this is not the case since there are a lot more men of higher quality than the percentage of men that most women desire.

1 thought on “Should women settle for men?”

  1. Favour, if is possible, pls take this podcast to Radio so that people can share their opinion. Your topic are very educative and blessing to relationships. Kudos to Ola for his his sincerely given advice. Though it surprise me to hear that presently you don’t cheat on your girlfriend. That’s nice to hear and it broke my heart when you said it can only last for at least one year in every men. Chai…
    I will just say let seek more of God with the help of the Holy Spirit we can conquer flesh. Good afternoon

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