Talk Da Talk Podcast

analyzing blue therapy

Blue Therapy savagery casts

Episode 1

Blue therapy series and cast is the trending topic lately. Talk da Talk features four guest speakers on the show to analyze the popular series, Blue Therapy and its cast. The reality series which has been an internet sensation over the last couple of weeks caught the heart of our listeners. Talk da Talk podcast guest speaker are Faith, Soreoluwa , Glory and Joshua . They come together on the show just to give their reactions to the Blue therapy cast. Nevertheless, my guests pick sides with their favorite reality star.

Most of them think Chioma is in a toxic relationship with Paul, who they believe is a narcissist. However, Jamal and Debrah’s fans explain why they think Debrah sounds very materialistic. Talk da Talk just want to know if you think the men are scum or is this how a relationships should feel?

Episode 2

Blue therapy fiction?

This episode focuses on Debrah’s (Blue therapy cast) entitlement to Jamal (Blue therapy) money by constantly asking for gifts. As a result, Favour lemah, host, asks the guests if they feel “What are you bringing to the table?” is a rude question. Surprisingly, the men on the podcasts do not find it offensive. I ,personally think its an offensive statement that can be said to any lady in a relationship. It gives off condescending vibes. You can agree to disagree in the comment box.

Glory, guest, believes Debra’s snoopiness needs to be checked.” I think she needs to get a life and start acting unavailable. I think that should help her stop obsessing over Jamal’s attitude and expectations”- Glory . We would love listeners to let us know if they believe it is rude for a partner to ask you what you are bringing to the table.

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