Talk Da Talk Podcast

men are scum ~oyin

Men are scum ~ Oyin talks

Episode 1

Talk da Talk guest speaker, Oyin a feminist who has featured on previous podcasts like Feminism and Culture and Feminism has a lot of tea to share with us on the popular cliché called men are scum. The cliché has been on the lips of many as some and all can agree to this fact. We gist and gossip on Timini’s affair and our personal experience of how men have misbehaved around us. Listen now

Episode 2

Talk da Talk takes a U-turn today as I share my personal experience to narrate my worst blind date experience. The whole ordeal of how my blind date was set up by an unknown friend of my close circle. My experience should leave you intrigued and amazed except you have had something similar or more intriguing blind date. If after listening to this you dont agree “men are scum” ,Drop your comments. Meanwhile do not forget to stream

The final episode with guest speaker Oyin, she talks about how peoples attitude on a date or talking stage can determine how the relationship will take its direction. The Nigerian cliche called “chop and clean mouth” has landed a lot of women in wrong relationships , says Oyin. I asked my guest if she could date someone who continously borrowed from her? Her reply is something you should watch out for! Listen now and subscribe to drop your comments.

8 thoughts on “Men are scum ~ Oyin talks”

  1. Interesting discussion, but sex on the 1st date doesn’t make anyone cheap and does not determine if the relationship will stand the test of time or not. Some people do get close via chat and phone conversations, so the first date isn’t really their 1st meet. Bottom line, It’s all about the two individuals involved.

      1. We are all scum … started to do Bolt 2months ago or so i can tell u with all certainty that woman are Scummer. Most ladies I I carry that want to go and cheat will start calling all the other bf inside the cab before she gets to her destination so as to not get calls from them when shes with the one shes going to meet. I remember one vividly she called about 10guys from video calls to voice calls finally on getting close to her location the main BF call came in I assume because next thing that came out of her mouth before picking the call was someone cannot cheat in peace again lol I burst out with laughter and she was like she cant believe she said that out loud fear women o .. this bolt thing I have seen and hear alot.. I have carried one that was dating 3 people 2married and one single how did I know ? Story for another day or maybe one day on the podcast I will defend my gender

      2. Yea, i know there will be people who may not agree, especially on religious ground, but this topic isn’t about bible study, quranic school or what it takes to be a saint, i can as well refer them to John 8:7 or what do you think, lol

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