Talk Da Talk Podcast

Should I Change My Religion For My lover

Should I Change My Religion For My Lover?

Episode 1

What is the reason?

On this new series, “Should I Change My Religion For My lover?” I focus on why couples ask each other to adopt my partner’s religion? Doesn’t this sound desperate? maybe it’s love? For your companion, would you alter your religion? A child’s perspective on religion may be impacted by having parents who practice different religions. Most children grow up to be atheists. According to Favour, “People who change their religion as a result of marriage do not have a mind of their own.”

Episode 2

Should I change my religion for my partner?

I invited a guest as promised on this episode to share his thoughts. The guest speaker, Ola who has featured on a Christianity as a religion surprisingly says he would never change his religion for his lover. He made claims that the love of his life should not stop him or anyone from experiencing eternal life according to biblical claims. I had to ask if the love he had for his partner was not enough for him to want her to be with him in the after-life.

Episode 3

Effect of changing partner

Ola and I talk about the effect of religion on the kids growing up as adults and the confusion that comes with families having more than one religion. We argue if religion should be given the credit of a moral compass in training kids or a conscience. This might not be the case if I change my religion for my lover.

Episode 4

Should I change my religion for my lover?

Ola, the guest speaker, offers advice on how to handle a union or relationship between people of different religious beliefs. He discusses how much influence women have over persuading their families to adopt a particular faith. According to him, wives shouldn’t try to convert their husbands to their religion because this can come across as alpha male energy and lead to arguments in relationships. This leaves us asking each other the question “should I change my religion for my lover?”


3 thoughts on “Should I Change My Religion For My Lover?”

  1. Man, to start with, I’m not religious. I think people should find their spiritual path and stick with it. Don’t think anyone should change theirs for another except you’ve discovered something of benefit you.

    Moreover, I’ve seen couples with 2 different religious views living happily together. I’m not sure on how they raise their kids, but the kids will eventually choose what they want in life later. I love the tolerance and respect I see amongst these couples.

    1. Of course, no dispute that people with different religious backgrounds have had it safe and some sour. But we cannot neglect the effect it has on kids.

    2. Amos you just hit the nail on the head… it will be a pickle in the jar raising their kids. Am not saying it impossible or not practicable…. but that’s the issue right there… KIDS.

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