Talk Da Talk Podcast

Why do married men cheat exposed

why do married men cheat

Episode 1

Why do married men cheat finally exposed by a guest speaker Ola. Every woman on the planet has probably pondered the question, “Why do married men cheat?”. We have also questioned why married men stop caring about their wives after a while. In this series, I believe we have discovered the solution. You can now choose to agree or disagree with the visitors, though. Ola and Mary, a married couple, will be my guests today to offer their perspectives.

Quoting Boma, the renowned Big brother Naija housemate, has claimed that 98% of married guys cheat during the #bbnaija reunion 2022. Ola thinks that the remaining 2% are either gay or have too many issues with having a single wife. Mary disagrees with the causes of married men’s infidelity and

Episode 2

I believe that by the end of this episode, we had all come to the same conclusion “Men are trash“.. We were surprised by the information we had learned about why married men cheat. Ola and Mary, two of my guests, were grabbing at each other’s necks, and I wasn’t exempt. We couldn’t agree on whether flirting constituted cheating on a partner because I held a different opinion than my guests. Ola appears surprised, and Mary and I think that not all married men have affairs. However, to catch up and comprehend Ola’s perspective, you must listen to him discuss the episode of Dating site in Nigeria.

Episode 3

Why do married men cheat?

Many unspoken motives for men being married in the first place have been revealed by the question “why do married men cheat?” Ola did not hesitate to confront us with the unpleasant facts. He offered other contentious reasons, including the fact that men marry women who they can financially support. The majority of men do not view loyalty as a marital sacrifice. We’ve long questioned whether or not men actually loved their spouses. “Just because you go through hardships with a man does not mean he owes his wife fidelity,” Ola asserts. She said, “Men are trash,” which astonished Mary and me.

Episode 4

Biological nature of a man-Ola

Mary and I consider Ola’s lame response to the topic of why do married men cheat—why do they do it—to be that it is a result of a man’s biological nature does not resonate well. Ola asserts that men are obligate cheaters by nature. He uses Mary as an example, stating that she would turn down their offer of a gang bang if she were unmarried and approached by a group of five men. However, it is uncommon for a male to decline an offer of sex from a group of women.


2 thoughts on “Why do married men cheat exposed”

  1. Guys please I really need to know if flirting is not the same as cheating? The people are making me seem crazy???‍♀️

    1. Flirting is the twin brother of cheating that also cause emotional breakdown to the partner just like cheating. So …?

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