Talk Da Talk Podcast

how to identify an online scam in 2021

How to Identify a Scam and Scam numbers.

Episode 1

How to Identify a Scam and scam numbers podcast is necessary. This is because of the increasingly high scam numbers daily. I narrate my experience on how I got scammed a day before Valentine. I share tips on the signs I neglected during the scam. This series explains a new type of scam targeted at young women between the ages of 16-23. Scamming a young lady within the age of 16-23 almost sounds absurd? I know right! Nowadays, local and online scammers have left no gender or age group off the hook. Most young women easily fall prey to these things due to naivety and lack of experience on the dangers of this world. Engage the comment section and share your thoughts?

Episode 2

Talk da Talk podcast host, Favour Lemah gives you tricks and tips on how to identify malicious website on the internet in this segment. Likewise, how to research fraudulent companies, shops, online vendors and boutiques. I also tend to give insights on the emotional trauma that comes with being scammed especially as a Nigerian. The scam numbers on Nigerians is shockingly surprising. This episode happens to conclude the experience narrated in the earlier episode on how I got duped through social media. How to identify a scam on the internet is a must listen!

Episode 3

This episode focuses on how to identify the infamous “Hushpuppy” phishing scam. Phishing is a fraudulent practice that is punishable under the law. Talk da Talk host, Favour Lemah, explains how scammers use Phishing, to get victims of reputable companies bodies to reveal passwords and credit card numbers using an email. As someone who works or is looks forward to working with a reputable company, this episode is a must Listen. Do not hesitate to drop your opinions on things you feel I left out in explaining the phishing scam.

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