Talk Da Talk Podcast

What is rape podcast

What is Rape podcast?

Episode 1

Rape has been a topic which we have shed a little light upon in previous podcasts such as Feminism and why I am a feminist.Talk da Talk discuss Rape on today’s podcast with Raphael Folorunsho who explains in details what rape means and what can be termed to be rape. He his an advocate for rape victims and uses his voice to educate youths on what is a sexual offense . He says sexual harassment is different from rape. . Today we decide “Rape can only happen when there is a penetration” -Raphael. He made us know the Nigerian Constitution does not term a man forcefully sleeping with his wife as rape. Listen now to let us know if you agree with him.

Episode 2

Raphael explains the effect of rape on its victims. He explains how not coming out to face or admit being a rape victim can affect the life of the victim. He also tells on the podcast how different cultures treat rape victims in a hostile manner due to the shame they feel the victim brings to the family. Raphael talks about how rejection from the family can lead to depression and suicide of the victim. Listen now to this episode and drop your comments.

2 thoughts on “What is Rape podcast?”

  1. When the government really wants to tackle this issue it will become a problem to even undress a lady with your think the environment, family and government has alot to do

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