Talk Da Talk Podcast

women are scum

Women can be scum. Speaking from experience – Cherish

Episode 1

Listen to Cherish speak on today’s podcast. Cherish has been a guest on Talk da Talk speaking on Erica’s character in the big brother house. We discuss his personal experience with women in the dating game. Meanwhile, Cherish has had his own fair share of scum women and believes not just men deserves that title. ” Women can be scum too, but not all women are scum” – Cherish. Cherish tries to justify that not all men are scum and just a few men. Listen now and drop your comments.

Episode 2

Cherish speaks on his past relationship expressively . He cites various scenarios that occurred between him and his girlfriend (currently an ex) . ” Oh yea! one time she lied about writing an exam” – Cherish. I discovered after some days of pestering before she finally confessed. He talks about her infamous job at a club. He could not fathom his girlfriend working at a club. Afterward, she got arrested by the Police in a raid. Days after she called to narrate her side of the story. This was not only a shock to him but she was bailed by a client of the club with the sum of 100k. He talks about how they got distant in the relationship and she insisted on holding on to the relationship. Listen now

Episode 3

This is the final episode with Cherish on women are scum. Here he continues talks on his girlfriend (current ex) kept on lying to him about the source of her extravagant lifestyle. Likewise, how manipulating and toxic traits she behaved in the relationship. Cherish narrates how he caught her cheating through a mirror selfie . No to mention she lied about being too busy not to hang out with him. Listen to full podcast to know how the relationship ended.

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