Talk Da Talk Podcast

music business in Nigeria

The music business card tricks ~Moral Allen

Episode 1

The music business card is the bone of contention with new guest speaker, Moral Allen. He speaks to us on the music business. Moral Allen gives listeners everything you need to know about the music business card in Nigeria. Moral started out as a passion for gospel music. This was before finally dived into the music business in Nigeria. Firstly, he explains the importance of a good character in the success of any upcoming artiste. The highlight of the podcast remains factors required to be successful in the music business in Nigeria.

Episode 2

The music business in Nigeria podcast by Moral Allen. This is similar to a book full of instructions on success. Favour Lemah dialogues with frequently asked questions of young producers and artiste . As expected, he gave answers and tips. However, he didn’t hold back highlighting reasons upcoming artiste could not succeed. He also gave beautiful advice to navigate towards success. Moral as a marketer believes marketing is the life of the music business. Meanwhile, do not hesitate to drop suggestions, contrary perspectives and questions for Moral Allen.

Episode 3

This podcast episode focuses on upcoming artiste making money through music platforms. Moral explains the importance of making money from music as well as pushing the music. We dialogue into the different marketing strategies artistes use to market their music popular. “Understanding where an artiste has more of his fans can also help in giving direction in marketing his music” – Moral Allen. In addition to marketing, he encourages artiste to use social media influencers to promote music. explaining its pros and cons. We believe we delivered everything you need to know in the music business in Nigeria. Listen now

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